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Using Admin > Billing functionality of Web Desktop you can:

  • move your network from a free plan to a paid plan,
  • extend your plan before the expiry date, &
  • add top-balance if you are using any of the optional features with add-on charges.


Update Billing Information:

Before you attempt to move to a paid plan or extend your plan, you need to update your company information in Applications > System Logs > Tax Settings. This is required so that Round Infinity can appropriately generate the Tax Invoice for your payments to Round Infinity.


Change Plan:

To upgrade your plan to enable higher usage, using the Web Deskop, 

  1. Go to Admin > Billing > Change Plan. Select the new plan. The system will calculatge the pro-rated amount for upgrade to new plan based on your current plan expiry date. Make payment.
  2. Logout of the Web Desktop and log back in. You will see your plan has been changed to the new plan. 


Extend Plan:

To extend an existing plan, using the Web Deskop, 

  1. Go to Admin > Billing > Extend Plan. Select the number of months to extend and make payment.
  2. Logout of the Web Desktop and log back in. You will see your plan extended by the number of months you paid for.


Add To Top-Up Balance:

If you plan to use optional features of Round Infinity with add-on charges, you need to maintain a top-balance. If the top-up balance is not available, these add-on features will automatically stop working. 

  1. Go to Admin > Billing > Top Up. Enter the amount to top-up and make payment.
  2. Logout of the Web Desktop and log back in. You will see your new top up balance.


Download Invoices For Payments Made:

For every payment you make, Round Infinity will generate an invoice and store it in Applications > System Logs > Payments & Invoices History. You can download your invoice from here at any time. 


Track Top-Up Balance Usage:

To find out where your top-up balance is being used, you can visit  Applications > System Logs > Top Up Balance Usage Log. Click on "Download" to get the usage data in Excel.