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Field Service Automation

Customization & Setup:

Follow the below steps to customize the out-of-box expense claims workflows for your business needs:

Step 1:

Review the configuration of the below workflow applications. These reside in Applications > Expense Claims folder. 

  1. Travel Booking
  2. Fund Request
  3. Expense Claims
  4. Fund Settlement

Follow the steps mentioned in https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=No-Code+Custom+Apps+%26+Workflows to modify these applications per your business needs, setup task assignment rules, specify SLA & escalations, configure workflow, configure document generation, integrate with your external systems, specify access, enable payments, set reminders, set email/SMS alerts, etc.


Step 2:

Reveiw the data in below masters applications. The data uploaded in below masters is used in applications mentioned above.  You will need to add master data in these applications per your business needs. 

  1. Currency Rates
  2. Mileage Allowance
  3. Per Diem Rates
  4. Countries List
  5. States List
  6. Cities List
  7. Expense Types

The Per Diem Rates master by default has the per diem data as recommended by U.S. General Services Administration. If required, you can delete data in these masters & upload your own data. You can bulk upload CSV data in these applications using "Upload". Prior to that you can download the CSV template to be used for upload using "Download" (and do not check on "Include Record ID & Ticket Status Columns In Download").



Using the mobile-responsive self-service portal, users can complete the expense claim & settlement process as below. 

  1. Raise a Travel Booking request if the booking is to be handled by the travel desk in your organization. 
  2. Raise a Fund Request if advance amount is required for your project to start or before the travel begins.
  3. Raise a Expense Claim to settle the expense amount.
  4. Use Insights > Expense Claims > Expense Settlement report to find out the amount due or to be received from your users. Finish the settlement by entering records in Fund Settlement application.

On submition of records in these applications, the records will auto-assigned as task using the rules specified in 5. First Assignment Automation . Thereafter, the record can be moved through various workflow steps using rules specified in 2. Workflow Automation . Refer to https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=No-Code+Custom+Apps+%26+Workflows for details on how this works.


Requestor Actions:

  • The requestors (or users that entered the record/request) can check status of their requests by visiting My Requests > Status of the mobile responsive self-service portal.
  • There are times when the user is not ready to submit the record for approval right away. The user might want to continue updating the record at a later time, & than submit for approval once ready. In that case, the user can save the record as "Draft". Thereafter, the user can visit My Work-In-Progress Drafts of the mobile responsive self-service portal  to continue updating the record from where he/she last left it.
  • During workflow approval, if the requestor is asked to redo the record, he/she can do the same by visiting My Tasks of the mobile responsive self-service portal.



  1. You can track status of records using SLA Dashboard provided next to the application in Web Desktop. You can see which tasks are stuck at which process step & the responsible people. You can also filter on the time period to view the dashboard for a specific time period. You can track if the tasks are getting closed within the specified SLA or not.
  2. You can configure your own custom reports & dashboards using the Admin > Custom Reports Designer of the Web Desktop. You can also schedule the reports for auto-generation. Follow the steps mentioned in https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=No-Code+Custom+Reports+%26+Dashboards to configure your own custom reports and dashboard.
  3. By default, Round Infinity provides Expense Claims dashboards and reports. The expense claim dashboard can be accessed using My Dashboards in mobile responsive self-service portal. The reports can be accessed using Insights > Custom Reports > Expense Claims. These dashboards and reports can be modified to suit your business needs using Admin > Custom Reports Designer of the Web Desktop.