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Users & Groups


Groups are used to secure business applications, solutions, document repositories, navigation & every part of your network.

  • Each user/login id belongs to a group in Round Infinity.
  • Each user/login id can belong to multiple groups.
  • Each user/login id has to be an Account (Applications > Sales > Accounts) before a login can be created. 

Therefore, before you create new users, be sure to create the necessary groups that you want to put your users in. After you create the groups and add users to it, you can use the group to secure your business applications, solutions, document repositories, navigation, etc.

You can follow the below steps to create groups & on-board users to your Round Infinity network. 



Using the Web Desktop, follow the below steps to create or modify groups. You need to be in the ADMINISTRATOR group to create and modify groups.

  1. Go to Organization > Groups > Create New
  2. Select the select users that belong to the group and create.

To modify members of a group, select the group and click on Modify.


User On-boarding:

There are three ways in which users can be onboarded to your network. 

On-boarding of Users by Administrator:

Users can be invited to your network by the users in ADMINISTRATOR group. Below are the steps for the same:

  • Add the user to the Applications > Sales > Accounts application.
  • Once the user is added per above, this user will become visible under Admin > Login IDs > New Login ID. Select the user, select the user groups & add the login ID here. Be sure to keep NO for "Is User An Enterprise User"  & "Can Enterprise User Access Web Desktop" if the user is not an Enterprise User. The user will automatically get the login information email and SMS.


Bulk on-boarding of users:

If you have a large number of users & would like to bulk on-board your users, please follow the below steps:

  • Go to Applications > Sales > Accounts application. Click on "Download" & keep "Include Record ID & Ticket Status Columns In Download" as unchecked. Download the CSV template.
  • Fill up this Accounts.csv with your user information. Be sure to remove the old records from the CSV. Only the new user information should exist in the CSV.
  • Go to Applications > Sales > Accounts application. Click on "Upload" & select your Account.csv to upload.
  • Go to Admin > Login IDs > New Login ID. You will see the users you just bulk uploaded in Accounts application. Select each user, select the user groups & add each login ID here. Be sure to keep NO for "Is User An Enterprise User"  & "Can Enterprise User Access Web Desktop" if the user is not an Enterprise User. The user will automatically get the login information email and SMS.


User Self-Registration:

Users who need access to your network can self-register and get access to the network. Below are the steps for the same:

  • Visit the self-service portal at https://<yourcompany>.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/login/mobile.do
  • Click on New User and register. You will receive an OTP on your mobile. On successful validation, you will receive user id and password as an SMS.
  • Using that login information, login to the self-service portal. You will be asked to change your password and set your profile on first login.
  • By default, the self-registered user is marked as a "Requestor" (i.e. they will not have access to Web Desktop) and on the self-service portal they will have access to business applications that have "EVERYONE" group access.
  • On successfully user registration, the users in ADMINISTRATORS groups will get an email alert. On receiving that alert, the administrator can add the user to other groups so that the user has access to other applications apart from the applications that are available to EVERYONE group (e.g. if the registered user is a partner, add the user to groups used for securing partner business applications or if the registered user is an employee, add the user to groups used for securing partner business applications, or if the registered user is a customer, add the user to groups used for securing customer business applications, etc.)


User Deletion:

To delete users from your network, follow the below steps:

  • Go to Admin > Login IDs. Select the user and click of Transfer Ownership. Transfer what the user owns to another user. 
  • Select the user again and click on "Delete"
  • Visit Applications > Sales > Accounts application. Search for the user & click Delete icon.