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Getting Started


Create Network

To get started with Round Infinity you first need to register & create an account/network for your company. This can be done by clicking on https://www.roundinfinity.com/getstarted.html link. Please be sure to enter the correct email ID & mobile number during registration. This is the email & mobile on which you will receive the OTP for logging in.


Activate Network 

After registration , you will receive an email containing links & steps to follow. Please bookmark these links. The first step is to click on the activation link provided in the email to activate your network. After activation, use the links provided in the email to login to Web Desktop & Mobile Responsive Self-Service Portal. On first login, you will be asked to set your profile & change your password. 

Following are the Round Infinity URLs:


Web Desktop

Login to Web Desktop using https://<yourdomainname>.roundinfinity.com/riweb/entry/login/desktop.do

In the URL, replace <yourdomain> with your company domain name provided by Round Infinity. Only an "Enterprise User" can login to Web Desktop.

Web Desktop is used for accessing all published records of all business applications. Web Desktop configuring your business applications, workflows , dashboards , reports , users , groups, campaigns, customer service channels, answer bots, voice bots, solutions, document repositories, etc.  The business applications that you configure using the Web Desktop can be accessed by your users using the Mobile Responsive Self-Service Portal,  depending on the permissions & access you have configured for each business application. 

To learn more about how Web Desktop works, visit https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=Web+Desktop 



No-Code Custom Applications & Workflows


Mobile Responsive Custom Self-Service Portal

Login to the Round Infinity Mobile Responsive Self-Service Portal using https://<yourdomainname>.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/login/mobile.do

In the URL, replace <yourdomain> with your company domain name provided by Round Infinity. A "Requestor" can login to the self-service portal. You do not need to be an "Enterprise User to access the self-service portal.

Mobile Responsive Self-Service Portal can be used by your customers, employees, partners, consultants, field staff, etc. to  access secured business applications, participate in workflows, work of tasks, chat with support in real-time, book appointments, make payments, raise requests, check status of requests, fill applications, raise approval requests, access secured documents, e-sign doucments, apply for jobs, search knowledge base, etc.

The business applications that you configure using the Web Desktop can be accessed by your users using the Mobile Responsive Self-Service Portal,  depending on the permissions & access you have configured for each business application. 

It is recommended to create a shortcut icon of the Mobile Responsive Self-Service Portal link on your mobile phone for easy access on a daily basis. You may refer to the steps mentioned in the below YouTube videos to create shortcut icon on IPhone or Android.

Read more about the features and capabilities at https://www.roundinfinity.com/industry-apps.html


No-Code Custom Apps & Workflows

Without any coding, create mobile responsive custom business applications & cross-functional workflows to meet your business specific needs. Click https://www.roundinfinity.com/no-code-custom-apps.html to read more about the capabilities.

To create new custom business applications & workflows or to customize out-of-box business applications for your business needs, you need to login to the Web Desktop & follow steps in https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=No-Code+Custom+Apps+%26+Workflows 


No-Code Custom Reports & Dashboards

Using data from Round Infinity business apps, create custom BI reports & dashboards as required by your business, without any coding. Read more about the features and capabilities at https://www.roundinfinity.com/no-code-custom-reports.html

To create new custom reports & dashboards or to modify out-of-box reports & dashboards for your business needs, you need to login to the Web Desktop & follow steps in https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=No-Code+Custom+Reports+%26+Dashboards 


No-Code External Systems Integration

Without any coding, generate REST API or use Excel to pull and push data from Round Infinity business apps to your external systems. Read more about the features and capabilities at https://www.roundinfinity.com/no-code-rest-api.html

To intergrate with your external systems from Round Infinity, you need to need to login to the Web Desktop & follow steps in https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=No-Code+External+Systems+Integration 


Customer 360

Automatically get 360 view of your users across applications. Each custom application or out-of-box application can easily be added to the 360 view of users. Read more about the features and capabilities at https://www.roundinfinity.com/customer360.html

Follow steps mentioned in https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=Customer+360  to add your applications to 360 view.



AI-Powered Out-of-Box Applications


Order Management

Quickly launch your online business or Point-of-Sale terminals, build direct relationships with customers, retailers, wholesalers & drive growth.

Follow steps mentioned in https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=Order+Management  to customize the online store and point-of-sale terminal per your business needs.

URL to access your brand's online store is  https://<yourdomainname>.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/commerce/load_store.do

URL to access your brand's point-of-sale terminsal is  https://<yourdomainname>.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/pos/home.do

In the URL, replace <yourdomain> with your company domain name provided by Round Infinity. A "Requestor" can login to the online store. You do not need to be an "Enterprise User to access the online store. Only an "Enterprise User" can login to point-of-sale terminal.


Appointments Scheduling

Digitalize the end-to-end appointments process from booking using mobile to attending using live video to auto-assignment to report.

Follow steps mentioned in https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=Appointments+Scheduling to customize appointment booking & scheduling per your business needs.


Payments Collection

Easily collect payments for products or services you sell, auto-generate invoices & send auto-reminders, all from one place.

Follow steps mentioned in https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=Payments+Collection  to start collecting payments from your users.


Sales Automation

Grow your accounts faster, find new customers faster, close deals faster & track opportunity pipeline & forecast - from anywhere.

Follow steps mentioned in https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=Sales+Automation  to customize sales automation per your business needs.


Marketing Automation

Proactively engage with customers & increase conversion using smart segmentation, contextual marketing & outbound voice bots.

Follow steps mentioned in https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=Marketing+Automation  to automate marketing for various channels like outbound voice calls, WhatsApp, email, SMS, etc.


Field Service Automation

Deliver intelligent onsite service, auto-assign tasks, collect data from field without internet & track location of agents.

Follow steps mentioned in https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=Field+Service+Automation  to customize filed service workflows per your business needs.


KYC Automation

Use AI to verify users identity, reduce fraud and simplify point-of-sale KYC compliance or video KYC compliance.

Follow steps mentioned in https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=KYC+Automation to automate the KYC process.


Call Center Automation

Instantly setup an automated contact center, route calls, automatically answer calls 24/7 & track customer satisfaction.

Follow steps mentioned in https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=Call+Center+Automation to automate your call center using voice bots and omni-channel agent inbox.


Omnichannel Service Automation

Auto-respond 24/7 to messages across channels, get 360 view of users, route tickets across departments, & reduce service costs.

Follow steps mentioned in https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=Omnichannel+Service+Automation to automate service across various channels like WhatsApp, email, SMS, live chat, etc.


Knowledge Management

Quickly build a customizable help center so your customers, employees & partners can get their queries answered in a self-service manner.

Follow steps mentioned in https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=Knowledge+Management to establish a centralized knowledge base in your organization.


Procure To Pay

Digitalize end-to-end procurement process from procurement request, to approval, to generating purchase order, to goods inward, to payment.

Follow steps mentioned in https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=Procure+To+Pay to customize your procurement, purchase orders, goods receipt, etc. workflows per your business needs.


HR Workflows

Manage your hiring, time-off, employee data, and HR workflows in one place & adopt paperless on-boarding and off-boarding of employees.

Follow steps mentioned in https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=HR+Workflows  to configure HR workflows per your business needs.


Expense Claims Automation

Digitalize the entire expense claim process, enable mobile access & say goodbye to manual expense reporting and lost receipts. Read more about the features and capabilities at https://www.roundinfinity.com/expense-claims.html 

Follow steps mentioned in https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=Expense+Claims+Automation to digitalize the expense claim workflow per your business needs.



Allow employees, partners, customers, etc. to securely access, view & eSign any document, contract, agreement, etc.

Follow steps mentioned in https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=eSignatures to start capturing eSignatures for your documents and contracts.


Accounts Payable Automation

Using AI & OCR, automate extraction, validation & processing of invoices recived over an email or uploaded using mobile.

Follow steps mentioned in https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=Accounts+Payable+Automation to automate processing of invoices received in email or uploaded through mobile responsive self-service portal.





Users & Groups

Invite users to your network & setup groups, skills, navigation security, etc.

Follow steps mentioned in https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=Users+%26+Groups  to get started with users and groups.


User Profile

Allow each user to setup his/her profile, out-of-office, expertise, etc. in a self-service manner.

Follow steps mentioned in https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=User+Profile  to get started with user profiles.



You can customize Round Infinity to fully white-label your network so that your users do not need to know of Round Infinity.

Follow steps mentioned in https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=Custom+Email+%26+SMS  to setup custom DNS, custom SSL, custom SMS and custom email servers, custom logo, etc .



You can upgrade your plan and make payments to Round Infinity in a self-service manner my visiting Admin > Billing of Round Infinity Web Desktop. Only users in Administrator group can perform this activity. On successfully making a payment, an email confirmation will be sent to you. 

Follow steps mentioned in https://contactcenter.roundinfinity.com/rimobile/entry/external/i_load_solution.do?zq=Billing  to change your Round Infinity plan, make plan payments or add amount to top-up balance.